PicoSure Laser Tattoo Removal

An estimated 45 million Americans have at least one tattoo. At least 17% have regret that they had gotten a tattoo. Regret comes from having a name of someone you don't like anymore permanently inked upon your arm or neck. Regret comes from the job or promotion you get passed over for because you have a tattoo that doesn't match the company's professional image. Regret comes from your military application being rejected because you got inked one spring break back in your rebellious days. Regret is when you find out that the Chinese character that emblazons your skin doesn't mean what you thought it did. (Did you really think that guy who wasn't Asian knew what he was talking about just because he had a picture of the character to copy? And, yes, I am Chinese American, but I can't help you in interpreting any Chinese characters!)
If the above paragraph describes you, help is definitely here. Laser tattoo removal is a solution to your problem. The laser light shatters the pigment below the surface, then relies upon your own body's defense cells (known as macrophages) to digest it and remove it from your body. The process takes about eight weeks to get from shattering to elimination, so that's how we set up your appointments.
Our office has the most effective technology available:  the PicoSure laser.  The picosecond technology shatters the tattoo ink into smaller particulate for your body cells to eat up than the older nanosecond tecnology lasers.  Take a look at the above photo.  The left photo shows unshattered tattoo ink, the middle photo is the older nanosecond technology; the PicoSure laser was used in the photo on the right.  What this means to tattoo removal is that you will need fewer treatments and get faster clearance of your tattoo. 
This laser also can treat other pigment related problems like sunspots, acne scars, melasma (aka mask of pregnancy) and some birthmarks.
I've listed some of the more frequently asked questions below.
Visit my laser tattoo removal website at www.LasersByDrLorna.com

Frequently Asked Questions About PicoSure Laser Tattoo Removal

What is PicoSure?
PicoSure is the latest advancement in laser technology for safe and effective tattoo removal. Remove tattoos faster with greater efficacy than ever before with the first and only picosecond laser!

How does the PicoSure compare to the older tattoo removal technology?
PicoSure uses the latest technology to remove ink colors and brown spots by delivering ultra- short picosecond pulses of energy into the skin. The pulses create a photomechanical effect, or PressureWave™, that targets ink and brown spots while avoiding unmarked tissue. Unlike traditional Q-switched lasers which break pigment into pebble-like granules, PressureWave shatters the ink and brown spots into tiny dust-like particles which are more easily eliminated by the body. This results in clearer skin in fewer treatments with improved recovery.

What type of tattoos can be removed with PicoSure?
PicoSure can be used to remove a variety of tattoo colors and types. Difficult ink colors, such as blue and green, and previously treated tattoos can effectively be removed with PicoSure.

How many treatments will tattoo removal require?
With PicoSure, you will see greater results in fewer treatments. During the free consultation, Dr. O'Young will evaluate your tattoo and recommend a realistic treatment regime to help you achieve the best results.

How often will I need treatments?
Typically it takes about 6 weeks for the body to start breaking down the ink and even though the tattoo may appear healed, it is not. Getting treated sooner than that will not remove the tattoo any quicker and can also put you at risk for scarring.  We generally schedule 8 weeks between treatments.

Will I see results after the first treatment?
Every patient and tattoo responds differently. Some patients see improved clearance after the first treatment, while others may take a few treatments to see results. Following the recommended post treatment protocol will likely improve the results and reduce the chance of adverse events.

What are the limitations after treatment?
We recommend that patients limit their physical activity for the first 24-48 hours to avoid irritation or harm to the treated area. After that, patients can go about their days normally, however sun exposure should be limited until the treatment area is completely healed.

Can I have only a portion of my tattoo removed?
Yes, PicoSure delivers energy so precisely that even the smallest areas of a tattoo can be removed without affecting the surrounding tattoo.

I have had 15-20 treatments on my tattoo and it is still there. Can the PicoSure remove the remaining ink? Unlike traditional lasers, PicoSure is great at removing previously treated tattoos. PicoSure can even remove recalcitrant tattoos (tattoos previously treated more than 10 times).

I have permanent make-up. Can you remove it?
We do not recommend treating permanent make-up as there are several risks associated with it. Some cosmetic inks have metallic bases and tend to turn black when treated with the laser. Once this darkening occurs, it takes much longer to remove.

Will I experience any complications from tattoo removal with PicoSure?
There have been no adverse events reported from PicoSure treatments. It is important to take care of your tattoo and be compliant with aftercare instructions provided by D. O’Young to avoid any unexpected issues.

How much does it cost to have PicoSure tattoo removal?
The cost of laser tattoo removal depends on several factors, including the size of tattoo and the number of treatments it will require. At your consultation, Dr. O’Young will provide you a price estimate for the treatment series.

Can I lighten the tattoo to have another one put on top?
Tattoos can be lightened in preparation for a cover-up tattoo. We recommend that you wait six weeks between your last treatment and when you have the new tattoo completed.

Does tattoo removal hurt?
This procedure is slightly more uncomfortable than getting a tattoo, however it is very fast. Most treatments take between 25-60 seconds. We apply numbing cream 30 minutes before the treatment and chill the area with cold air while performing the treatment.

Will I blister and scab afterwards?
Although blisters and scabs can be a normal response to tattoo removal, most patients will not experience them. In the case that you do, it is important to not pop or pick at them. If the blister pops on its own, keep the skin over it covered with a healing ointment and gauze to promote healing and prevent scarring.

Does insurance cover tattoo removal treatments?
Most insurance companies will not cover laser tattoo removal since it is considered an elective cosmetic procedure. For your convenience, we have payment plan options that we will discuss with you at your free consultation.

I got my tattoo one week ago. Can I have it removed right now?
Tattoo regret can happen at any time, sometimes as early as the day after a tattoo is completed. Because your skin needs time to heal from the tattoo procedure, we require each patient to wait at least eight weeks to start the removal process.